Happy New Year from UWNEMN's Executive Director

Happy new year!

Here is hoping 2021 brings lots of positive changes for each of you and for all of us collectively.

While the year has already been off to a difficult start on a national level, I know that if we unite together, WE CAN continue to make our local communities strong and vibrant. I know this because I've seen firsthand what happens when people unite their time, energy, and resources.

You helped us secure more than $300,000 in COVID-19 Crisis Funds for Iron Range and Koochiching County individuals who have lost work or had reduced hours due to the pandemic.

We need your help again, this time in getting the word out to anyone you know who would qualify for this assistance. We know there are more people in our region who could benefit from help with utilities, rent, etc., than are applying! Please help us share the link with anyone you know who may benefit: www.unitedwaynemn.org/covid-19-assistance-individuals

Thank you all for the things you do to support our organization's mission to unite and focus our communities in creating measurable results to improve people’s lives and strengthen our families.

To receive regular updates from UWNEMN Executive Director Erin Shay, click HERE to sign up for our newsletter!