Imagination Library is an early childhood education initiative which provides FREE books to children, from birth to age five. Once enrolled the child will receive a new, age-appropriate book delivered in their name to their home once monthly until their fifth birthday as long as they are a resident of the UWNEMN service area (Iron Range and Koochiching County/Lake of the Woods County). Originally started by Dolly Parton, the program's vision is to get children excited about books and reading and to ensure that every child has books in their home, regardless of family income. UWNEMN initiated the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program in 2008 and since then more than 30,000 children have now been enrolled in our service territory.
Is it effective?
Countless studies document the relationship between early literacy and school performance. By providing the children of our community with quality, age-appropriate books, we seek to:
- increase children's access to books,
- encourage parents to read more often to their children,
- support children in the development of a love for reading, and
- better prepare children to begin school.
Imagination Library Really Works!
A recent study of Imagination Library families in UWNEMN’s service area revealed that 93% of parents/guardians spend more time reading to their children because of the Imagination Library program, 95% of parents/guardians report their child is more interested in reading since enrolling them in Imagination Library, and 97% of parents/guardians feel Imagination Library books have helped their child prepare for kindergarten. Click here to hear more from local Imagination Library families surveyed in 2022!
"Imagination Library was designed to help children dream more, learn more, care more and be more, and it is really working."- Dolly Parton
United Way of Northeastern Minnesota's Imagination Library is open to all children in our service territory from birth to age five.
Once you register your child for the Imagination Library, whether by mail or online, it will take eight to 10 weeks for the first book to arrive; books then arrive monthly. Each child's first book is the same, The Little Engine That Could. The age appropriate titles are selected by a blue ribbon panel of experts and offer outstanding themes and stories for your child. Click HERE to view book themes.
If you move, your books will not automatically forward. Please notify UWNEMN at sarah@unitedwaynemn.org or 218-254-3329 if your address changes.
United Way of Northeastern Minnesota's Imagination Library is open to all children in our service territory from birth to age five.
Once you register your child for the Imagination Library, whether by mail or online, it will take eight to 10 weeks for the first book to arrive; books then arrive monthly. Each child's first book is the same, The Little Engine That Could. The age appropriate titles are selected by a blue ribbon panel of experts and offer outstanding themes and stories for your child. Click HERE to view book themes.
If you move, your books will not automatically forward. Please notify UWNEMN at sarah@unitedwaynemn.org or 218-254-3329 if your address changes.
*UWNEMN partnered with Friends of the Hibbing Library to install and maintain these libraries.
Thank you to UWNEMN Board Member Matt Hiti for building the newest Little Free Libraries in our region - and donating the materials to build and install them.
Matt built these libraries in memory of his wife's aunt, Jan Ferraro, and they will be stocked with books from Jan's collection, along with books collected through UWNEMN's book drive held in partnership with American Bank.
If you have an idea for a Little Free Library or notice an existing one is in need of more books or a repair, please contact sarah@unitedwaynemn.org.
Ideally, we would like to supply 100% of children in our region with Imagination Library books. We cannot make significant steps toward that goal without your help! Please help spread the word about Imagination Library!
We also need your support to fund the program. Just $35 is needed to sponsor one child for one year. With your support, we can help every young child find the spark of their own imagination through reading books.
To make a donation, please CLICK HERE, designate through payroll deduction at your workplace, or send donations to UWNEMN, 608 East Drive, Chisholm, MN 55719.