United for Veterans Bingo Night
The International Falls VFW is hosting Bingo Night in support of United for Veterans Feb. 26th!
The International Falls VFW is hosting Bingo Night in support of United for Veterans Feb. 26th!
Your service made history.
Preserve your story with Operation: Service Story!
Project Goal: Collect oral histories from veterans and service members across United Way of Northeastern Minnesota's service area to encourage healing and build community.
Learn more about this year's activities below:
UWNEMN's Investment Plan outlines the community issues that UWNEMN is addressing through the work of our funded agency partners and our own initiatives. Through our annual campaign, we raise funds that are united from across our region to make an impact in these areas.
A child with a strong educational foundation has a better chance of succeeding and positively contributing to their community later in life. Through quality child care, early childhood education, tutoring, mentoring, and more, United Way of Northeastern Minnesota helps our children reach their full potential and prepares them for bright, promising futures.
UWNEMN's Buddy Backpacks Program....Contact your child's school to enroll!
A child with a strong educational foundation has a better chance of succeeding and positively contributing to their community later in life. Through quality child care, early childhood education, tutoring, mentoring, and more, United Way of Northeastern Minnesota helps our children reach their full potential and prepares them for bright, promising futures.
As responsible stewards of your United Way of Northeastern Minnesota contribution, we are keeping printing costs low by offering our Annual Report online. We invite you to learn more about the work being accomplished through your support.