Helping Children Succeed
United Way and its partners focus on results during critical stages of a child's development. We invest in programs that improve academics, encourage youth development that are intervention-based, addressing issues early. This strategy will give children the best chance for successful futures.
Targeted Issue: Literacy and youth development
Desired Outcomes:
- Increased access to early education programs.
- Improved early literacy skills for children in our region.
- Improved overall academic achievement.
- Improved social and emotional development for regional children.
- Increased number of youth served by mentoring and tutoring programs.
- Support early literacy and early education programming in the region.
- Promote reading and literacy through the Imagination Library program.
- Present literacy-focused events and programs such as Wild About Reading and Read for the Record.
- Invest in programs that increase academic successand remove barriers to learning for our area youth.
- Invest in programs that improve children's social and emotional development and behavior through mentoring.
Targeted Issue: Youth substance abuse and mental health issues
Desired outcomes:
- Increased early intervention access for youth experiencing a mental health crisis.
- Increased and reliable diagnoses for youth.
- Increased number of serveis for youth struggling with mental illness and/or substance abuse.
- Reduced number of youth dealing with substance abuse.
Measurable Outcomes:
- Invest in programs that provide mental health services to youth.
- Support programst hat teach youth coping skills and provide resources.
- Invest in programs that focus on prevention and provide substance abuse counseling for youth.
How You Can Help
To reach our goal, we need your help. The strategies proven to work are those that connect communities to their schools: parent involvement, literacy volunteers in the classroom, mentors for disadvantaged students, and business leaders engaged in early childhood advocacy. Volunteer to help.